Frequently asked questions

FAQ about the Program

Why the name Grow Pilates?

grow /ɡrəʊ/ verb: (of a living thing) undergo natural development by increasing in size and changing physically

Grow fits with ideas behind pilates of growing strength, control and flexibility. It also fits with growing as a person, growing as a mother, and growing in understanding of your body.

I’ve just had a baby, when can I start Grow Pilates classes?

Congratulations! Grow Pilates has very gentle sessions that begin straight after delivery in our Intro Program. You can begin with these classes at any time you feel ready.

If you are having any issues with your pelvic floor muscles, abdominal muscles or ongoing incontinence, it is highly recommended you have a review with a Pelvic Floor physiotherapist. If at any time that you do not feel that the sessions are suitable for you, please do not continue with the classes and contact Hayley at with any concerns.

I’ve had a forceps / vacuum / kiwi / instrumental birth. Are the classes that I can do?

Absolutely! In our Intro program (Level 0), there are classes for those who delivered vaginally. This includes anyone who had a forceps / vacuum / kiwi / instrumental birth.

If you are sore in your vagina still, I would stick with Level 0 classes until this settles, and it’s highly encouraged to see a Pelvic Health Physio or your GP / Obstetrician / Midwife if you are more than 6 weeks postnatal and still very sore or have any other concerns


I’ve delivered my baby with an episiotomy / perineal tear. Do I need to wait longer until I start?

Not necessarily. If you feel ready to gently start exercising, you can begin with Level 0 Classes in our Intro Program.

I had a caesarean delivery. Do I need to do different sessions? Or do I need to wait longer until I begin the classes?

Can I AirPlay / Chromecast your classes from my phone to the TV?

I’m new to Pilates, how hard are the sessions?

Welcome to Pilates! Grow Pilates offers varying levels of classes from the foundations and beginner level classes all the way through to an advanced level.

In most sessions different variations and options are offered, allowing you to choose which option suits you best. When these variations or options are offered, it is always up to you whether you choose to take them or not.

If you are unsure, Grow Pilates encourages you to have an appointment with a Pelvic Health Physiotherapist who can assess your readiness for Pilates or discuss the basics to help you decide if it is correct for you at this point. You are also very welcome to contact Hayley (Email: to discuss any questions or concerns with her.

Is Grow Pilates safe for Pregnant women?

Grow Pilates is designed for those who are postnatal. It hasn’t been designed for those who are pregnant. In line with the recommended guidelines, we do not recommend participating in our sessions when you are pregnant.

If you are in your first trimester, and only after you have been medically cleared by your Obstetrician/Midwife/GP to participate, you may elect to continue participating in the Grow Pilates program. However, it is important to note that you do so acknowledging and assuming any associated risks.

FAQ about Live Classes

How do I book in for the Live Classes and/or Masterclasses?

To book into the Live Classes or Masterclasses, follow the links on the Members Homepage, Instagram/Facebook posts or on the website (either home page or blog page). Additionally you can email Hayley for the link specific to the class you are looking to join. A zoom link will be sent prior to the class to allow you to join the video meeting at the time of the class.

What time are the Live Classes or Masterclasses?

The Live Class times will be posted on the Members home page and (hopefully!) promoted on Instagram / Facebook. The Live Classes are for members only.

The Masterclass times will be posted on the Members home page, Instagram/Facebook and the website homepage (or a pop-up notification). Masterclasses are held approximately monthly and are open to both members and non-members.

FAQ about the equipment pack

When will I receive my equipment pack?

Do I need any other equipment, in addition to the equipment pack?

I’ve lost / snapped / popped some equipment from the pack, how do I get more?
My toddler has hidden the ball / band / slider. Can I get another one please?

Do I need to pay postage?

FAQ about accounts, billing or subscriptions

Where do I find my account?

Where can I see what I’ve been billed?

My payment didn’t go through, what’s happening?

The payment came out of my bank account, but I can’t access the program. Can you please help!

How do I change my password?

How do I cancel my subscription?

How do I apply a promo code / coupon?

Something unexpected has happened and I can’t continue with Grow Pilates, can I get a refund?

Typically we do not give refunds, however we do understand that life can be unexpected. If you feel that you have a valid reason for a refund, please discuss your situation with Hayley by emailing We will address each situation on a individual basis.